Shippensburg U. – Predicted thunderstorms never happened and pre-meet predictions seemed to follow suit. After finishing 6th for 800M at Districts (1:54.48 outdoor PR) and ranked 14th going in, Grayson Ruffner had an uphill battle ahead. A crowded field of 15 left no room for error. He managed to stay up in the lead pack… Read More

Ambler, PA. – It’s May. Championship season. As Carl Spackler said to the gopher “I think the fooling around is just about over. I think it is!” PRs all over the place especially on the distance side.  Dom Sheppard failed to PR for the first time all season in winning the 300 hurdles with ease… Read More

Franklin Field – Since 1990, (33 years minus 2 for covid, so 31 meets) we’ve placed 1st 14 times, 2nd 9 times, 3rd 2 times, 4th 5 times and worse than 4th only 3 times (See Penn Relays Archive above). To sum up, not only have we dominated over the years, we’ve finished no worse… Read More

Staten Island NYC – Once again our annual trek to this great facility yielded lots of PRs as well as a couple of big wins. One would not be surprised to find ‘I ♥ NY’ bumper stickers on the cars of both Grayson Ruffner and Dom Sheppard. Ruffner’s three races in NY included two wins… Read More

Since breaking the indoor school record for 3000m, Grayson Ruffner has made his mark in both the 800 and mile qualifying for the state meet and closing in on two more school records. Last Sunday (1/14) up at the Kristian Marche Memorial meet in NYC, he won the 800 going away while posting the top… Read More

The past few weeks have come and gone so fast, it’s hard to keep up! So how ’bout a re-cap?  Our duals have been close, dropping another to Hatboro 89 – 61 and beating a sprint talented Abington team 83-67 (thanks, field guys!) Prepping for the Penn Relays freshman 4×1 (and since we really don’t… Read More

Lansdale, Pa. – With our first dual meet moved and our inter-squad meet rained out last Saturday, it’s been a month of practices without a competition. We needed this to test our newbies and to see where our returnees stood.  Early afternoon showers gave way to sunny skies by 2 o’clock. Medals were hard to… Read More

Rauch Fieldhouse Lehigh – Lehigh has a meet today (Sat), so we were pushed to Friday night. With both divisions competing, we were in for a late one. (Got back to Wiss around midnight…) Some good performances, along with minor improvements, means we’re doing something right. Looking forward to getting the 4×8 to states, (Ruffner… Read More

Four meets are in the books so let’s take a look at what we have. The distance crew is coming along and looks to be the best shot to take a relay team to States. Four guys are returning from sub-2:05 outdoor seasons led by Junior Grayson Ruffner (1:59.23 PR). So far, he’s gone 2:02… Read More