It is often said that showing up is half the battle. Even though our times were still stuck in the December doldrums we scored lots of hardware with many teams opting out of this one due to the holidays. The chief benefactor of the lack of attendance had to be the 4×8. With the MOC… Read More

While most of the team continues to work through growing pains, Christian McCarry picked up right where he left off last spring. Meet #1 saw his MOC qualifier Triple Jump. This week it was the 60HH. He was under the standard twice, his pre-lim of 8.96 and third place final of 8.81 both under the… Read More

This was a debut in more ways than one. Out of our 25 competitors, this was the first high school meet for 10, and the first meet EVER for 6. That being said, after the first event, the novice 4×8 (each week, the first event is a relay open only to freshmen and sophs who… Read More