Millersville Pa. – Thursday’s prelims saw Isaiah hit two personal bests. First up, his 10.90 PR lead all qualifiers into the finals scheduled for Sunday. A few hours later, he dipped under 22.00 for the first time with 21.95, third fastest of the day.
On Sunday, he lost a close one with cross-town rival and AOC teammate Jaden Price-Whitehead by .01, his 10.87 to Jaden’s 10.86. He matched his pre-lim time in the 200 of 21.95 nabbing third place.
AOC put together a 4×1 that, on paper, should be in the 41’s (Price Whitehead 10.86, Marc 10.67, Thorpe 11.06, plus unnamed). Their 43.42 shows a need for sharpening.
Nationals are in Houston, TX July 30 – Aug 7.